Barion Pixel

General terms and conditions

1. Introduction

The present General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the GTC) contain the terms and conditions of use of the service available on the website (hereinafter referred to as the Website) by the User (hereinafter referred to as the User). The technical information necessary for the use of the Website, which is not included in the GTC, is provided in the information available on the Website. By using the Website, the User acknowledges and accepts the terms of the GTC.

2. The Service Provider

        • Company name:  Nagy András János sole trader
        • Headquarters: 7624 Pécs, Pacsirta u. 20.
        • Mailing address: 7624 Pécs, Pacsirta u. 20.
        • Shop: 7624 Pécs, Pacsirta u. 20.
        • Web.:
        • Tax number: 68459679-2-22
        • EU tax number: HU68459679
        • EV registration number: 51778060 (Maintained in the register of the Company Court of the Court of Pécs.)
        • Account managing financial institution: K&H Bank
        • Bank account number: 10918001-00000102-67450001
        • Email address:
        • Phone number: +36 20/4849920

The hosting provider of the website is Béla Mezey ev
Headquarters: Basamalom út 15, 7630 Pécs.

3. Activities on the website

Provision of express printing services, photocopying, duplicating, printing, spiraling.

4. Terms of use

4.1. Responsibility

The User may use the website exclusively at his/her own risk and accepts that the Service Provider shall not be liable for any material or non-material damage arising from the use of the website, in addition to liability for breach of contract caused intentionally, by gross negligence or by criminal offence, or for damage to life, limb or health.

The Service Provider excludes all liability for the conduct of the users of the Website. The User is fully and solely responsible for his/her own conduct.

The User is obliged to ensure that the use of the Website does not violate directly or indirectly the rights of third parties or the law.

The Service Provider has the right, but not the obligation, to check the content (e.g. comments, sharing…) that may be made available by Users during the use of the website, and the Service Provider has the right, but not the obligation, to look for signs of illegal activity with regard to the published content and does not assume any liability for such signs.

4.2. Copyrights

The entire website (texts, images, graphics, etc…) is protected by copyright, so copying, modification or distribution for commercial purposes is prohibited!

5. Shopping on the website

5.1. Ordering process

Customer selects the service they want to use and sets the parameters of the order. The system will automatically calculate the gross value of the order. After checking the set parameters, customer clicks on the order button, enters billing and delivery details. On the same page the customer gets information of the order parameters, the gross value of the order and the gross deliery cost. After reading and accepting the GTC, the order will proceed to the payment which takes place using Barion card payment method. Online credit card payments are made through Barion system. Credit card details are not submitted to the merchant. The service provider Barion Payment Zrt. is supervised by the Hungarian National Bank; licence number: H-EN-I-1064/2013. After payment, customer recieves confirmation about the order and the details of the order on the screen, which information is sent to the customer as part of the ordering process, including the invoice issued.

5.2. Binding offer, confirmation

The order confirmation is sent automatically by the Service Provider within a few minutes*. The confirmation e-mail contains the data provided during the purchase, such as the order deatils, the name and price of the ordered product(s), the chosen payment method, the payment confirmation, the order number, and any comments made by the User.

5.3. Establishment of the contract

The contract can be concluded in Hungarian. The placement of the order is considered to be a contract concluded electronically, which is governed by the provisions of Act CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commerce services and services related to the information society. The contract falls under the scope of the Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.) on the detailed rules of contracts between consumer and businesses, and takes into account the the provisions of Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parilament and of the Council on consumer rights.

The contract is established upon recieving the automatic confirmation.

5.4. Registraction of the contract

The contract established via the website does not constitute a written contract, the Service Provider does not file it, and it is not accessible subsequently.

5.5. Invoice

Please indicate your request for a standard paper invoice before the order is processed. We do not issue standard paper invoices to individuals, only to customers with tax number. We are not able to cancel subsequently an e-invoice, in order to issue a paper invoice.

6. Right of withdrawal

6.1. Procedure for exercising the right of withdrawal

The provisions of this clause apply only to natural persons acting outside the scope of their profession, self-employment* or business activity who buy, order, receive, use or make use of goods and who are the addressee of commercial communications or offers relating to goods (hereinafter referred to as the Consumer).

6.2. In which cases is the Consumer not entitled to the right of withdrawal

In the case of a contract for the provision of a service, after the service has been performed in its entirety, if the Service Provider has commenced performance with the express prior consent of the Consumer and the Consumer has acknowledged that he loses his right of withdrawal after the service has been performed in its entirety.

7. Place, time and means of handling a complaint

7.1. Place, time and method of handling complaints

The User may submint consumer complaint about the product or the Service Provider’s activities to the following contact details:

        • Name: András Nagy e.v.
        • Mailing address: Pacsirta utca 20, 7624 Pécs.
        • Phone number: +36 20/4849920
        • E-mail address: (at) 


The Service Provider is obliged to provide a copy of the report  to the Consumer on the spot in case of a verbal complaint communicated in person (at the shop or at headquarters), or if this is not possible, the Service Provider is obliged to proceed according to the rules concerning written conplaints detailed below. In case of a verbal complaint communicated by telephone or other electronic communication service, the Service Provider shall send a copy of the report together with the substantive response to the Consumer. In all other cases, the service Provider shall proceed in accordance with the rules applicable to written complaints.

Complaints recorded by telephone or other means of communication will be provided with a unique identification number* by the Service Provider, which will simplify the retrieval of the complaint in the future.

The Service Provider shall respond to written complaints within 30 days. Under the terms of this contract responce means posting.*

In case of rejection of the complaint the Service Provider shall inform the Consumer about the reason of the rejection.

7.2. Other means of enforcement

If any consumer dispute between the Service Provider and the User is not settled during negotiations with the Service Provider, the following legal enforcement options are open to the User:

        • Complaining at the consumer protection authority
          If the Consumer detects a violation of consumer rights, the Consumer has the right to address a complaint to the consumer protection authority competent for the Consumer’s residence. After the complaint is examined, the authority decides wether to initiate consumer protection proceedings. A list of the competent government authorities is available at
        • Initiation of conciliation panel proceedings
          For the out-of-court, amicable settlement of consumer disputes relating to the quality, safety and application of product liability rules, as well as the conclusion and performance of the contract, the Customer may initiate proceedings before the conciliation body competent for the place of residence or stay, or may apply to the conciliation body of the professional chamber competent for the place of establishment of the Service Provider. For the purposes of the rules on the conciliation body, a consumer is also a non-governmental organisation, church, condominium, housing association, micro, small and medium-sized enterprise, as defined in a separate law, who buys, orders, receives, uses, makes use of goods or is the recipient of commercial communications or offers relating to goods.The contact details of the Baranya County Conciliation Board run by the Pécs-Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry:

          székhelye/postacíme: 7625 Pécs, Majorossy I. u. 36.
          telefonszáma: +36 72 507 154
          mobil száma: +36 20 283 3422
          e-mail címe:,

          The Customer may apply to the conciliation bodies available at the following link, based on his/her place of residence (stay), in order to settle a consumer dispute. The Service Provider is obliged to participate in the conciliation procedures. For the purposes of this clause, sending a reply shall also constitute cooperation.

          In the event of a cross-border consumer dispute related to an online sales contract, consumers can settle their cross-border disputes related to online purchases electronically by submitting an electronic complaint through the online platform available at this link. To do so, consumers simply register on the online platform available at the link above, fill in a request form and submit it electronically to the conciliation body via the platform. This makes it easy for consumers to enforce their rights, despite the distances involved.

        • Initiation of court proceedings
          The customer has the right to enforce his claim arising from a consumer dispute before the court within the framework of civil proceedings pursuant to Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code and Act CXXX of 2016 on the Code of Civil Procedure. according to the provisions of the law.

8. Other

8.1. General Terms and Conditions, modification of prices

The Service Provider may modify these Terms and Conditions, the prices of the products sold on the website and other indicated prices at any time with non-retroactive effect, the modification comes into effect after publication on the website, and is only valid for transactions following its entry into force.

8.2. Technical limitations

Shopping on the website presupposes the User’s knowledge and acceptance of the possibilities and limitations of the Internet, with particular regard to technical performance and errors that may arise. The Service Provider is not responsible if any operational error is detected in the internet network, which prevents the operation of the website and the purchase.

9. Data protection information

When shopping in the online store, the Buyer must provide some of his personal data to the Seller. The requested data is recorded, stored, processed and used by the Seller. The requested data are absolutely necessary for the use of the website, for maintaining contact, for the fulfillment and processing of the order. The Seller treats the Buyer’s data with special security, acts in accordance with the data protection rules during their use, and keeps the data only for the time necessary for the purpose of the purchase. The Seller will not pass on the Buyer’s data to third parties or organizations. The only exception to this is the obligation to provide data based on legislation, as well as the provision of data to the postal service provider or courier service necessary for the delivery of the goods to the Buyer, only to the extent and to the extent necessary to carry out the delivery. In the case of online bank card payments, data is also forwarded to the provider of the payment interface in order to provide customer service assistance to users, confirm transactions and perform fraud monitoring for the protection of users. To the extent of the data detailed in the data management information sheet  .

9.1. Data transfer

CXII of 2011 on the right to information self-determination and freedom of information. based on Section 20 (1) of the Act, the following must be defined as part of the website’s data transfer activity:

        • a) the fact of data collection,
        • b) the range of stakeholders,
        • c) purpose of data collection,
        • d) duration of data management,
        • e) the identity of potential data controllers authorized to access the data,
      • f) description of the rights of data subjects related to data management.
      • The fact of data management, the scope of the managed data.
      • Scope of transmitted data in order to carry out the delivery: Delivery name, delivery address, telephone number, amount to be paid.
      • Scope of stakeholders: all stakeholders requesting home delivery.
      • The purpose of data management is to deliver the ordered product to your home.
      • The duration of data management, the deadline for data deletion: lasts until the home delivery is completed.
      • Person of the possible data controllers entitled to access the data: personal data may be processed by the following, in compliance with the above principles:
            • Béla Mezey ev (storage service provider)
              7630 Pécs, Basamalom út 15.

      1. Description of the data subjects’ rights in relation to data processing: The data subject may request the data controller of the delivery service provider to delete their personal data as soon as possible.

        Legal bases for transferring data: the Customer’s consent, the  in accordance with Act CXII of 2011 Article 5 (1) of the Act on the Right of Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information, and  Article 13/A (3) of Act CVIII of 2001 on Certain Aspects of Electronic Commerce Services and Information Society Services.

        10. Date of entry into force of the GTC

        Date of entry into force of these General Terms and Conditions: 02.05.2023.